*********** Ruby Driver *********** CUBRID Ruby driver implements the interface to enable access from applications in Ruby to CUBRID database server and official one is available as a RubyGem package. CUBRID Ruby driver is written based on CCI API so affected by CCI configurations such as **CCI_DEFAULT_AUTOCOMMIT**. To download Ruby driver or get the latest information, click http://www.cubrid.org/wiki_apis/entry/cubrid-ruby-driver. Installing and Configuring Ruby =============================== **Requirements** * Ruby 1.8.7 or later * CUBRID gem * ActiveRecord gem **Linux** You can install the CUBRID Connector through **gem**. Make sure that you add the **-E** option so that the environment path where CUBRID has been installed cannot be reset by the **sudo** command. :: sudo -E gem install cubrid **Windows** Enter the command line below to install the latest version of CUBRID Ruby driver. :: gem install cubrid .. note:: If you do not have RubyInstaller, see http://www.cubrid.org/wiki_apis/entry/cubrid-ruby-driver-installation-instructions . Ruby Sample Program =================== This section will explain how to use Ruby ActiveRecord adapter to work with CUBRID database. Create tables by executing the following SQL script. .. code-block:: sql CREATE TABLE countries( id integer AUTO_INCREMENT, code character varying(3) NOT NULL UNIQUE, name character varying(40) NOT NULL UNIQUE, record_date datetime DEFAULT sysdatetime NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_countries_id PRIMARY KEY(id) ); CREATE TABLE cities( id integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL UNIQUE, name character varying(40) NOT NULL, country_id integer NOT NULL, record_date datetime DEFAULT sysdatetime NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (country_id) REFERENCES countries(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT, CONSTRAINT pk_cities_id PRIMARY KEY(id) ); **Loading Library** Create a new file named *tutorial.rb* and add basic configuration. .. code-block:: ruby require 'rubygems' require 'active_record' require 'pp' **Establishing Database Connection** Define the connection parameters as follows: .. code-block:: ruby ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => "cubrid", :host => "localhost", :database => "demodb" , :user => "dba" ) **Inserting Objects into a Database** Before starting to operate on tables, you must declare the two tables' mapping in the database as ActiveRecord classes. .. code-block:: ruby class Country < ActiveRecord::Base end class City < ActiveRecord::Base end Country.create(:code => 'ROU', :name => 'Romania') Country.create(:code => 'HUN', :name => 'Hungary') Country.create(:code => 'DEU', :name => 'Germany') Country.create(:code => 'FRA', :name => 'France') Country.create(:code => 'ITA', :name => 'Italy', :record_date => Time.now) Country.create(:code => 'SPN', :name => 'Spain') **Selecting Records from a Database** Select records from a database as follows: .. code-block:: ruby romania = Country.find(1) pp(romania) romania = Country.where(:code => 'ROU') pp(romania) Country.find_each do |country| pp(country) end **Updating Database Records** Change the *Spain* code from *'SPN'* to *'ESP'*. .. code-block:: ruby Country.transaction do spain = Country.where(:code => 'SPN')[0] spain.code = 'ESP' spain.save end **Deleting Database Records** Delete records from a database as follows: .. code-block:: ruby Country.transaction do spain = Country.where(:code => 'ESP')[0] spain.destroy end **Working with Associations** One method to add cities to a country would be to select the *Country* and assign the country code to a new  *City* object. .. code-block:: ruby romania = Country.where(:code => 'ROU')[0] City.create(:country_id => romania.id, :name => 'Bucharest'); A more elegant solution would be to let ActiveRecord know about this relationship and declare it in the *Country* class. .. code-block:: ruby class Country < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :cities, :dependent => :destroy end class City < ActiveRecord::Base end In the code above, it is declared that one country can have many cities. Now it will be very easy to add new city to a country. .. code-block:: ruby italy = Country.where(:code => 'ITA')[0] italy.cities.create(:name => 'Milano'); italy.cities.create(:name => 'Napoli'); pp (romania.cities) pp (italy.cities) This would be very helpful because when we access cities we get all the cities recorded for the referenced country. Another use is that when you delete the country, all its cities are removed. All is done in one statement. .. code-block:: ruby romania.destroy ActiveRecord also supports other relationship including one-to-one, many-to-many, etc. **Working with Metadata** ActiveRecord enables the code to work with on different database backends without modifying the code. **Defining a database structure** A new table can be defined using **ActiveRecord::Schema.define**. Let's create two tables: books and authors with a one-to-many relationship between *authors* and *books* (one-to-many). .. code-block:: ruby ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :books do |table| table.column :title, :string, :null => false table.column :price, :float, :null => false table.column :author_id, :integer, :null => false end create_table :authors do |table| table.column :name, :string, :null => false table.column :address, :string table.column :phone, :string end add_index :books, :author_id end CUBRID-supported column types are **:string**, **:text**, **:integer**, **:float**, **:decimal**, **:datetime**, **:timestamp**, **:time**, **:boolean**, **:bit**, **:smallint**, **:bigint**, and **:char**. Currently, **:binary** is not supported. **Managing table columns** You can add, update, delete columns by using features from **ActiveRecord::Migration**. .. code-block:: ruby ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :todos do |table| table.column :title, :string table.column :description, :string end change_column :todos, :description, :string, :null => false add_column :todos, :created, :datetime, :default => Time.now rename_column :todos, :created, :record_date remove_column :todos, :record_date end **Dumping database schema** You can use **ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump** to dump information for currently used schema. This is done into a platform independent format that is understood by Ruby ActiveRecord. Note that if you are using custom column types database specific (**:bigint**, **:bit**), this may work. **Obtaining Server Capabilities** You can get database information extracted from the current connections as in the example below: .. code-block:: ruby puts "Maximum column length : " + ActiveRecord::Base.connection.column_name_length.to_s puts "SQL statement maximum length : " + ActiveRecord::Base.connection.sql_query_length.to_s puts "Quoting : '''test''' : " + ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote("'''test'''") **Creating a schema** Due to the way CUBRID is functioning, you cannot programmatically create a schema as in the following example: .. code-block:: ruby ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_database('not_supported') end Ruby API ======== For more information about CUBRID Ruby API, see CUBRID Ruby API Documentation ( http://www.cubrid.org/wiki_apis/entry/cubrid-ruby-api-documentation#ruby_api ). * `Connection Class `_ * `Data Constants `_ * `auto_commit= `_ * `auto_commit? `_ * `connect `_ * `close `_ * `commit `_ * `rollback `_ * `glo_new `_ * `query `_ * `prepare `_ * `to_s `_ * `server_version `_ * `Statement Class `_ * `Data Types `_ * `affected_rows `_ * `bind `_ * `close `_ * `column_info `_ * `each `_ * `each_hash `_ * `execute `_ * `fetch `_ * `fetch_hash `_ * `get_oid `_ * `Oid Class `_ * `[](col_name) `_ * `[]=(col_name, obj) `_ * `drop `_ * `each `_ * `lock `_ * `refresh `_ * `save `_ * `table `_ * `to_hash `_ * `to_s `_